AppyPrinciplesGetting started
Appy 1.0.19 🐍 2024/12/30 1.0.18 - 2024/09/24

Appy 1.0.18 has been released. Here is the detailed changelog.


  • Fix preventing generated files to be read by LibreOffice 24.2. Many thanks to Marc Dubrowski.
  • The xhtml function: rendering of tables with left and/or right margins: fix.
  • The xhtml function: transfer CSS classes defined at the TD level to the sub-paragraph being automatically created if no such paragraph exists.
  • The xhtml function: added parameter stylesStore allowing to customize the pod logic that chooses content.xml or styles.xml to dump styles that must be generated in the pod result.
  • The else statement: better error messages when there is a structural problem between named or unnamed if/else statements.
  • The else statement: link a do row else statement to the previously found do row if and ignore the possible if statements in-between (ie, a do text if).
  • Import images with wrong sizes: be more robust.
  • Import images: allow to specify a maximum image height, being, by default, the maximum page height (minus defined margins).
  • Importing PDF documents: fix.
  • Technical: when a pod template has several page master styles, pod will choose the first one.


  • permissions fix.