AppyPrinciplesGetting started
git's cheat sheet Manage tags

Appy uses tags for its official versions.

Tags are of the form: vx.y.z. One example: v1.0.15.

Listing existing tags

Listing the available tags in a repo's local copy is done with the following command.

gdy999@LocalMachine:~/appy$ git tag

In this example, a single tag is defined in the appy repository: v1.0.14.

Creating a new tag

Create a new tag by executing commands like these.

gdy999@LocalMachine:~/appy$ git tag -a v1.0.15 -m "Version 1.0.15"
gdy999@LocalMachine:~/appy$ git push origin v1.0.15
 * [new tag]         v1.0.15 -> v1.0.15

Then, listing existing tags shows the additional tag.

gdy999@LocalMachine:~/appy$ git tag

Switching to a specific tag

Switching to a specific tag is done by checking out a tag via this command.

gdy999@LocalMachine:~/appy$ git pull
gdy999@LocalMachine:~/appy$ git checkout v1.0.15